
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The good you do today...

Happy Wednesday everyone...I don't know about anyone else, but it is HOTTTTTT outside...I'm kind of looking forward to's my FAVORITE season...the only problem with saying that is that winter is the next stop after it...ohhhh welllll...heehee!!!
So, the past few days I've sort of, kind of been trying to do some soul searching...trying to answer all of those pesky unanswerable questions...sometimes I really, really want to know ALLL of the answers to life..make all of the pieces of this giant puzzle with the smallest of pieces fit together, and then I think, well why on Earth would I want to do boring would life be...but, I will always sit and wonder and try to figure it all out...keeps me busy, at least..heeheehee...sooooo, anyway onto what my whole intent for today's blog is.  I found this little quote that had a HUMUNGOUS impact on me today...kind of made me feel a little more at ease about, here goes nothin'...haha!!

"The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow,
do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough,
give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway."
-Mother Theresa-

Isn't that one of the most BEAUTIFUL things that you have ever read??!??!  I fell in love with it as soon as I read it.  It seems like that for the most part we all try to be good be kind to each other...try our hardest not to speak unkindly about another person...try to be the understanding unconditionally...all of the things that we strive to be....all of the things that we would want someone to be for us and feel for us....but, shoot...sometimes things just don't play out the way that we think that they should...and that makes all of this some of the most difficult challenges that we will face in our lives.  Keep our words kind...that is SO hard to do when we are upset about something or when we don't get the reaction that we hoped for or when we come across someone that just really doesn't care about any part of's SO makes us want to give up...fall into the deep hole that it seems a lot of the world is would be so easy to just say....screw it....I might as well join them....ahhhhhhhhhhh, but do we REALLY want that for ourselves???  Do I want that for myself???  ...or you for yourself???  Sometimes I tend to over do things...I can over dramatize just about anything in my mind, whether it be something good or something bad...I have to admit, it's not my favorite part of me...but, alas...I must accept it and try my best to control it...hahaha....
The one change that I have noticed in myself since starting this blog...ok, there's TWO things....first one...I suck at puncuation..SUCK...hence the millions of dots in every sentence...hahahaha!!  The second thing, it seems that once I put all of these thoughts and feelings into writing and share them with all of you, it has made me a bit of a stronger person, because I can't rightfully say all of these things and not at least give it my best shot to live up to my words...somedays are harder than others..heehee!! 
Sooooo, back to the topic at hand.....there are times when I like to say things to people that are struggling to try to help them out..give them some encouraging words...because if you knew the family and friends that I have been blessed with and the encouraging words that they have given to me...PRICELESS....SIMPLY PRICELESS...the words that I try to share with other's are the word's that those precious people shared with me when I needed to hear them....but, then when I say them....OH NO...what did I just do....I totally crossed the line...panic sets in and we have an exaggerated version of all events blown so out of control in my head that I can't even function see how I can exaggerate so easily...heeheeheehee...just kidding!!  :))  ..but, anyway....this quote gave me a little comfort..showing love and kindness is never anything to be embarrassed about....trying to help out someone in need...try to help them lift themselves higher....there is no reason that we should feel bad....we are just trying to keep the "goodness" train on the tracks....paying it forward....yes, I'm lovin' this quote...puts my heart at ease and only makes me want to try harder in being the one that never gave up on goodness, because after's not for's for the goodness within our souls...have a wonderful evening, everyone....until next time... :)


  1. I think that has to be my favorite quote! I have never seen it but I have now decided!! It is amazing... goes along with, "the things you do when nobody is looking are the things that define you." It doesn't matter what people see or remember... but YOU will know how you treated someone. AND even better...GOD will know! simply amazing post! :)

    1. Thanks girlie!! I fell in love with that quote, too...and you're exactly right...YAY!!! :))))
