
Monday, July 30, 2012

All I ever wanted...

Happy Monday everyone!!  Hope that you had a great start to your week..we're already at the end of the summer season..WOW....seems like it just flew right on by us...time has a habit of doing that to us every once in a while..haha!!  
I loved this quote for tonight's post.  It's so funny how the life that we imagined that we would be in by the time we are at a certain age is usually so different from what we had pictured...soooo different!!  It's so easy to sit around reliving regret after regret after regret until you can no longer see any of the blessings that you have sitting right in front of you...I know that I am guilty of getting so wrapped up in a thought or a memory that I wished that I would have handled differently at the time..but when you really sit and think about it...would the ending have been any different???  ...hmmm, I guess that's one of those things that we will never know...shooot!!!  I do know that this feeling of just sucks the life right out of us...makes us think that we are nothing...that we don't mean anything...well, that's how it makes me feel...but, in reality, we are surrounded by love and blessings everywhere...
Sooo, this has got me thinking...which is NEVER good...hahahaha!!  If you were given the chance to go back in time and you were allowed 30 minutes to tell yourself everything that you wished that you would have known or realized at a certain time...what would you say to yourself????  Oddly enough, I think about this scenerio so much....I've tried to think of the most important things that I wished that I would have, don't be so're going to miss out on so much life....don't think so much, it only complicates a situation that really isn't all that complicated and MOST of all, I would tell myself over and over and OVER to love myself....that, I believe, it the most important one of all....and the hardest thing in the world to do...for without it, you go down roads blindly believing everything....soooooo, knowing that I can never go back in time and tell that shy little girl that never thought much of herself just how much love surrounds her....I have to tell the me of today those exact same words...until they resonate in my mind...until it makes sense....until I can become a whole person...loving every single second of life and living in the moments and making outstandingly amazing memories!  There really aren't any regrets in life...yes, there are things that we wished that we would have done differently, but if you just sit and think about it...would you really..I mean REALLY change anything...because we have to realize that if we changed just ONE little tiny thing...we wouldn't be the person that we are is just a succession of know that quote, right???   Lesson after lesson after's kind of like we NEVER graduate from this school, huh?? seems that once we learn one lesson there is another one waiting in line to be least it keeps life interesting, right??  Ok....well, I'm going to close for the evening....I hope that you all enjoyed your Monday...4 more days until the weekend..heehee!!!!  YAYYYY!!!!  Have a wonderful evening everyone!!  :))))


  1. Very insightful! I do believe that we all have a purpose,,, I haven't really figured out what mine is,,, lol.. would I go back in time??? naww,,, I think,, even if I don't kno my purpose,, I'm where I should be,,, waiting for three more grankids,, ha ha...God only gives you what he thinks you can handle ....sooo what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!
    Try to learn from the past,, not change it...cuz whose to say whether you'd like that different outcome?
    Sorry,, lol,,,, but you made me think about it... Molly I love everything about you!!! You are a great friend!!! For you to change anything would not make you the same person I kno today!!!

    1. I believe that we all have a purpose, too...YAYYYYY!!! I love what you have written's true, we are where we should be at this moment...learning every single day..WOOOHOOOO!!!! I love everything about you, too...that's why I named you Joyous Occasion, because that's what you are...a joyous occasion and we are the lucky ones that get to know you...YAHOOOOOO!!!! Thank you you!! :))))

  2. This is one of my favorite posts... I think about it all the time. Your question..if we could go back and change stuff would we? ...I don't think I would. Because like you said, we wouldn't be the same person. Sure I wish I never went through heartbreak or I wish I hadn't made that poor decision, but if we did change that ONE thing...we never would have learned that ONE lesson that made us into who we are! :) Absolutely amazing!!! I LOVE YOU!!

    1. Thanks Danno...I think about it all of the time, too...sometimes I wish that the thought could pop up in my brain when I'm making bad choices..heehee...noooooooo, you're right..our past makes us who we are...thanks you!! :)))
